Tuesday, April 22, 2008

People ask what it's like to have a baby and a toddler while in grad school...

It was Thaddeus' turn to bring a snack.  Cameron and I had a yummy fruit tray planned until we forgot ALL about the whole thing until five minutes before show time.  I was, to put it politely, tied to my desk, so Cameron hightailed it over from the War College, ran into the Commissary, and came skidding in to the day care five seconds before Thaddeus would have noticed we weren't there.  All's well that ends well!  And how funny are those plastic gloves, btw?

The key is to remember everything you need BEFORE sitting down.  As those of you who know me know, this is a significant challenge.


Alissa said...

At least you are drinking water!! I think I would have resorted to caffeine by now!!

Team O'Neil said...

Oh gosh, I had one brief fling with giving up coffee that didn't make it to lunch. The most the gas and spitting up it causes in Keller can get me to do is switch to half-decaf, and only drink a small cup.